K18 Gloves: Tried and Trusted

You may have noticed that the JHU Blue Jays were sporting White/Silver K18 gloves last weekend in an OT loss to Syracuse. The gloves looked pretty sharp, but they didn't make the switch for aesthetics alone. Last week a Hopkins middie broke his hand during practice using another pair of gloves (yet to be determined). The team had been wearing 2011 Assault gloves as well as Nike Vapors up until this point. It became apparent Coach Pietramala chose to switch back to the steadfast K18s.

It was obvious it was an impromptu decision because the gloves colorway did not match the Jays Columbia Blue/Black/White uniforms. Instead the gloves were plain and dull. The players numbers were even written on with a Sharpie instead of embroidered. This was a Red flag. Coach Petro must really trust the K18s protection to revert back to them. Was he worried other players would succumb to injury? We will have to stay tuned to see what they wear next against Virginia this weekend.

Click a photo to view the White/Silver K18s. If you have heard anything else on this feel free to leave a comment below.

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