HeadWrapz: Paul Rabil

HeadWrapz: Paul Rabil

The Original, the only, HeadWrapz has been very hard at work lately, and looking at the smile above from Paul Rabil, they have another happy customer.  It seems with the work they have been putting out, it's almost comparable to a buffet line, just a much higher class, and with much more options because they can do just about anything, within copyright reasoning.  I know mine has already taken a beating as I was on the phone with Joe one day talking about some items of business and told him how the lacrosse ball, and don't ask how, had hit me in the head a couple of times, yeah, some people just don't know how to play where I live.  Well, I am happy to say I didn't get a concussion thanks to my Cascade helmet, but even more so my Lacrosse Playground themed HeadWrapz doesn't even have a mark on it!  We laughed about the videos Joe had been putting out, but even talked more about just how durable the product really is.  I think that's truly why Paul is really going to be happy, plus his wrap is really unique to him.  What do you all think?  Here is another shot, and while it may not be very clear, it shows the other side.  When I get some more shots I will put them up!

Great job again HeadWrapz!  Always remember guys to hit up their Facebook to chat with James, Ron, and even Joe!  Moreover, check out their website to place an order and check out their blog or other cool elements of the site.

As always, if you need to get in touch with me, email me at josh@umgoblue.com or shoot me a message on Twitter @TheRealHag
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