Back again for an Easter treat, and this one comes right from one of lacrosse's masters in, Kyle Harrison. HeadWrapz did a great job designing and executing this design for Kyle, and when I asked what he thought of it, Kyle said he, "Digged it." Moreover, he is very impressed with the work that HeadWrapz does, as is many people across the world because, as I stated before, it truly allows all of us to capture what it is we want in a visual concept, and then have it put on an item that is seen thoroughly throughout a game, tournament, events, and even practice. Nevertheless, the Easter bunny is whipping plastic eggs at me because he wants me to just post the rest of the pictures already and not keep you waiting! Here they are...

With the holiday season around us, I hope everyone enjoys it and has a safe time. Try not to eat too much candy, but I must say my favorite, and I don't eat many sweets at all, is Starburst jelly beans. Good, glad we got that out of the way, so I will expect a considerable amount of those sent my way come next week! I wouldn't want to leave you with just pictures this time around, how about another durability video to fill your time, but with a twist? Blindfolded is the way to go, and this video includes some friends of Joe's, which include, who I like to call Santa's Little Helper (Tara), which she truly takes some vicious swings at the helmet. In fact, those swings can only be described as lightning fast Judo chops, and avalanche like Taekwondo POWER!!!
I can't forget to mention that HeadWrapz also has the Japan Relief wrapz up for sale, which also benefit the relief efforts in Japan. So, if you're wanting one of those, be sure to email Orders@HeadWrapz.com to get everything going! Don't forget to pick up the Japan Relief shirt as well to support Americares and Food For The Hungry. Be sure to hop in on conversations, and stay glued to the wall of HW's Facebook page for any offers that come about! Finally, and yes folks, they are everywhere, don't forget to follow HeadWrapz on Twitter!
As always, if you ever want to chat, feel free to shoot me a message to my email josh@umgoblue.com or on Twitter @TheRealHag