What head do you use?
I use a royal blue STX proton power.
What handle do you use?
My pole is an STX sci-ti premiere.
Where does your pocket sit/what type of pocket to you prefer?
My pocket sits in the middle and I like my pockets alittle shallow, not too deep.

Who is your stick doctor? Do you string it yourself or have a go-to-teammate/friend?
Yea I have a go to teammate/friend. Peter Boyle is my stick doctor. He has strung all of my sticks since freshman year.
What kind of mesh do you use (Hard, soft, traditional/leathers, marc , etc.)? Why?
I use hard mesh because I find it easier to deal with. Soft mesh streches too much and hard doesn't change as much.
What is your preferred glove?
I prefer k-18's. That's what my high school team uses so I don't really remember what other gloves I've used in the past.

How much whip does your stick have?
I like my sticks with very little whip or none at all.
Anything unique you do to your head or shaft (pocket up-keep, tape jobs, alterations, etc.)?
I kind of have a unique tape job. I don't use a rubber butt and I like to have a strip of tape where I put my top hand for shooting. I also like to tape my stick from the butt to about 6 inches up.
How long do you keep a stick before you get a new one?
I keep my poles and heads until they break. I keep my mesh until it breaks or unless it's so worn out and doesn't function right.
What’s most important to you in a stick/what makes a good stick?
What makes a good stick is how it feels in your hands.