What head do you use?
NLL season is underway which means I have to use Reebok. My head I am using now is a 6k but the one that I have strung up now is a Reebok Chrome 10k.

What handle do you use?
I use a Reebok 7k.
Where does your pocket sit/what type of pocket to you prefer?
I like my pocket in the middle as long as the ball comes out with little whip I like it.
Who is your stick doctor? Do you string it yourself or have a go-to-teammate/friend?
Josh Porcell strings up my wands as well as Brian Carrol.

What kind of mesh do you use (Hard, soft, monster, traditional/leathers, marc, etc.)? Why?
I use hard mesh and Marc mesh.
What is your preferred glove?
I am using Reebok 10k gloves and I like them a lot they break in real easy and it's not a big bulky glove. I hate big bulky gloves.
How much whip does your stick have?
None at all. Maybe just a little.

Anything unique you do to your head or shaft (pocket up-keep, tape jobs, alterations, etc.)?
I have a chrome head now that I am using. I tape my sticks up about midway for my indoor handles.
How long do you keep a stick before you get a new one?
Until it breaks or bends. I like getting use to one stick and using it for a while.
What’s most important to you in a stick/what makes a good stick?
I'm pretty easy as long as I can catch and throw and stick some shots on occasion I'm good.
What are you looking forward to most this season?
Defending NLL and MLL titles!