What head do you use?
Maverik Prep

What handle do you use?
Maverik Wonder boy

Where does your pocket sit/what type of pocket do you prefer (and why)?
I like my pocket to be higher in the stick, I typically like a U Shape Shooting String where the ball will sit, and two shooting strings straight across where the ball will come out of my stick. I like the slope (of where the ball sits, and where it comes out) to be pretty severe, giving me a lot of hold and some whip for speed on my shot and for throwing fakes.
Who is your stick doctor? Do you string it yourself?
My stick doctor has been Rich May (used to play for UMBC), and I have gotten the last few strung by Will Koontz who is one of my players at Seneca Valley High School a little north of Pittsburgh.
What kind of mesh do you use? Why?
I like the generic white hard mesh, it is the most simple to maintain, and gives a release that I like.
What is your preferred glove?
Maverik Maybach glove. The flexibility is extremely nice, and provides the protection every player needs. I also like the empire glove a lot. The customizing capabilities on maveriklacrosse.com are very unique and you can get pretty creative.
How much whip does your stick have?
A good amount of whip, not as much as people may think, but I definitely like my stick to have some whip. If a player can handle whip, and a different release, it can add speed to your shot, but if can get dangerous for some players because it affects some of the more simple passes a player needs to make around the perimeter or to a cutter.
Anything unique you do to your head or shaft (pocket up-keep, tape jobs, alterations, etc.)?
I tape my stick where my hands are when I shoot; I also like to get the strings pretty short. I use dryer sheets and hot water to break in mesh and new gloves. It works very well.
How long do you keep a stick before you get a new one?
Not very long, usually 2 months depending on how much lacrosse I am playing.
What is most important to you in a stick/what makes a good stick?
Consistency. I need a stick that always throws the same way. I also like sticks with a skinner throat for ball protection and strong sidewalls so it doesn’t break.
Jersey Preference: Clean and classic or bold and wild?
Clean and Classic
Favorite brand/type of cleats?
I like mid highs, for ankle stability, and quick foot work. We are forced to wear New Balance/Warrior cleats in the MLL, but they aren’t bad.
What kicks do you wear off the field?
I wear any kind of tennis shoe, mostly a clean white look, nothing crazy. I rock the boat shoes from time to time.
What do you do in your spare time when you aren't playing pro ball?
I run Low and Away Lacrosse, we have club teams and also conduct camps and clinics. We are focused on the fundamentals of the game. We emphasize that one of the best things about lacrosse is you don’t have to be the biggest or fastest guy, but if you are a fundamental player, have good stick skills, and work hard you will find a spot on the field.
Club team wise, a lot of the players in the Pittsburgh area often get over looked during the recruiting process, and we are going to change that. There is a lot of talent in Pittsburgh and we plan on helping players reach their potential and go to schools that they are interested in and play lacrosse. Some notable lacrosse players out of the Pittsburgh area are Chris White (Princeton), Evan McGoogan (Navy), Zach Boyt (Ohio State), Jeremy Tissenbaum (Jacksonville), Chip Young (Jacksonville), Andrew Rullan (Duke), Rob Morasti (Robert Morris), and many more. A few players that have recently graduated include D3 Player of the Year at Gettysburg Tommy Kehoe (Coach at Low and Away), Andrew Stimmel (Ohio State), Jimmy Mullen (Dartmouth) and myself.
This summer, Low and Away Lacrosse will be conducting camps. The camp schedule will be up on www.lowandawaylacrosse.com in the next two weeks. We will be in Pittsburgh, Central PA, Philadelphia, and Frederick, MD.