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1 Lacrosse will produce the shafts used by the senior boys in the Under Armour All-America Lacrosse Classic. The event, featuring the top high school lacrosse players in the country, will take place June 27 and 28 at Towson University. 1 Lacrosse will produce the shafts for the North and South national boy’s senior teams.
1 Lacrosse will create custom-designed Under Armour shafts for the event. The shafts are 1 Lacrosse’s Insignia shafts: titanium enhanced alloy shafts with a weight of 6.1 oz. and a PSI of more than 80,000. The design (pictured above) features the Under Armour logo running up and down the shaft. One team will receive the silver/white shafts and another team will receive the black/gray shafts.
"We at 1 lacrosse are very proud of our product and we're excited to see it in the hands of the top high school players in the country." said Brian DeSpain, President of 1 Lacrosse through a press release.
One of the unique aspects of 1 Lacrosse is the custom shafts that it can create. 1 Lacrosse has the ability to create custom team shaft orders through a process where the design is baked onto the shaft. Think of it as a tattoo for your lacrosse stick.
1 Lacrosse began selling its products last fall and has a relatively low price point for its product (shafts range from $60-$95). 1 Lacrosse has produced custom shafts this spring for several top high school teams in Maryland, including Boys’ Latin and Gilman. Custom team orders can be placed through their Web site (1Lacrosse.com) and typically require an order of 30 or more shafts.