Penn State Club Lacrosse Blog: Installment 1

The Penn State club lacrosse team will be blogging weekly about their 2011 road to the NCLL championship. Below is this their first installment.

With the anticipation of the 2011 NCLL season, and the pre season ranking of No. 2 practices have left the squad anxious to start suiting up against different colors. The stands were about as filled as they get for Penn State Men’s Club Lacrosse home opener against Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Robert Morris University, and the weather could not have been any better for a sport like lacrosse. The boys sideline was packed with nothing but baller’s and a whole lot of swagger. With the support of the beautiful women’s club team, and the sound of the Miami Hurricanes “It’s All About the U” playing in the background, the men were ready to dive into the opposition.

Penn State ran through Robert Morris winning 18-1, giving up one goal late in the fourth quarter. The defense looked incredibly fast and strong with the depth of six poles that could arguably start for any club team across the country. With the goal tending of Jamie McNulty and James Brandolini, this steel curtain is sure to take the Spring like it did the fall, where they let up an average of 3 goals a game. The real story this year is an attack consisting of Kevin Behr, Marty Feehan, and Conrad Ridgway. The trio combined for 8 goals in the first half of Robert Morris, before taking a seat and enjoying the view.

Next the team squared off with Indiana University of Pennsylvania in their first Keystone league match, a tougher opponent, but still no match for the white and blue. Though once again the starting two lines of defense shutout the opponent, the final score was 10-3 with a notable performance from midfielder Matt Logeman and LSM Hank Bushong.

With the opening weekend underway the boys remain optimistic about their run to the ship. Practices are very humbling because the team is incredibly strong in depth, which serves as a very motivating force, knowing the guy or even two behind you are as equally strong and capable to pick up your slack. This weekend the men will challenge No. 10 Navy on Saturday as well as Dickinson and Morovian on Sunday; Morovian who recently dropped down from division 3. The team took up sprints this week for the first time in two years, anticipating a well groomed, incredibly in shape Navy team. The boys have one goal in mind, the NCLL championship, and they will have to overcome three strong obstacles this weekend to reach it.

If you want to share your team's road to the championship please send it to

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