Mohawk Topstring

The Mohawk topstring is another version of the Iroquois topstring that is used by a lot of guys at Onandaga. The Thompson brothers are the two names that keep coming up as the inventors here, so guys, thanks for leading the way. This time around I have yet another way to string your mesh topstring, and I call it the Mohawk. Like the others, this topstring is perfect for attackmen that want a super quick release and no whip. The one that I have strung is made to be a low but fast pocket, however as a middie I don't think that I could play with this because of the release point. Anyway, on to the part you're really here for.

The Mohawk top was strung with a single piece of string that I folded in half. I actually used the same string and head that I've used for our other topstrings. To begin, fold it in half and stick the loop that the bend makes through your desired starting hole. I went with one about an inch and a quarter away from the scoop. Next, take your strings and pull them up through the mesh and the loop you made. This should make a good anchor point on the sidewall, and it will keep your mesh secure to the side.

Next, I put on string under and one over on my way up to the first scoop hole. For the first one, I took one string and looped it under and around the first hole. With the second string, I wrapped it around my first string until I got to the top, making a twist. When you get to the top, go under the string that's coming out from your first loop and go up through the scoop hole. Next, go down under the string you just came up with. What should result is a neat looking Z-knot, like what I use in the Turtle shell pocket. If it doesn't look right, try redoing it. It could be the twist direction, the order you looped them in, an overlap missing... To be totally honest, I tried to do this topstring at least 3 times before it looked right, so just keep at it. I tried to give you a lot of super up close pics of the knots to help out.

After you get your knot, notice which string comes out under, and which comes out over the last loop. Use this to determine which way to twist your next string. The string the came out under should twist over next. Twist your way to the third mesh hole and begin another knot. I used mesh holes 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 in mine. I recommend you do the same with this method.

Make sure that your V's from the mesh holes are congruent. What I mean by this is that one side should not be super tight with 8 twists while the other is floppy and has only 5. Try to keep the tautness the same all the way across, and try to keep your mesh parallel to the scoop, even if it is curved. When you get to the end, use one string to go over the last mesh hole, and one string to go under. Take the over string down and out the sidewall hole, then double around and come back, like you might if you were stringing a normal mesh job. After it comes out, take the string that came up out of the last mesh hole, and tie them tightly. You should now have completed the Mohawk topstring.

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